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Ocean Park, ME

Site Highlights

Ocean Park’s 100 acre property and adjacent public lands offer groups a wide variety of educational experiences. Students could spend all day exploring the Rachel Carson Preserve, learning about the estuary ecosystem and observing birds and many other animals that use our backyard as migratory stopovers. From there, you can follow Goosefair Brook through the marsh and out to the ocean, where you can see how the two ecosystems are connected. Students can be found exploring rocks, finding small animals such as crabs and clams, or learning how the ocean tide changes the physical structure of the beach.

Escape into the old growth forest where huge pine trees tower over an almost clear forest floor. While there, look for salamanders under fallen logs or see how many different mushrooms you can find. If you are very quiet, you might catch a glimpse of the family of foxes that inhabit the woods, or the owls and red tailed hawks that frequently hunt for food there.

Our Ocean Park site is situated on a diverse property that has a wealth of areas to explore, fostering a meaningful connection to the environment.

Housing and Facilities

Mitchell Hall (“Taj Mahal”): This large building consists of 3 floors which accommodates a total of 89 students. Each floor has a separate chaperone room that can hold 1 to 2 adults. The layout varies between floors and houses a different number of students: 22 students on the first floor, 44 students on the second, and 23 students on the third.

Ataloa Cabins: A cluster of 8 cabins that can house a total of 48 students. There are four large cabins that can each sleep 8 students and one chaperone in a separate room. There are 4 smaller cabins that hold 4 students in one room, with a separate room for the chaperone. Each cabin has one bathroom with one shower.

Judson Hall is our multi-purpose meeting area. This building serves as a common space for classes, evening activities, and conveniently houses our medical office.

Nature's Classroom, Inc.

Phone: 508-248-2741 ~ Fax: 508-248-2745

Toll Free: 800-433-8375

Dr. John G. Santos, Founder
19 Harrington Rd
Charlton, MA 01507

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Nature's Classroom, Inc. is a non-profit organization

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